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Geocoding API

Geocode Quality Code Details

The geocodeQualityCode value in a Geocode Response is a five character string which describes the quality of the geocoding results.

Character Position12345
Character Meaning
GGranularity Code
SGranularity Sub-Code
FFull Street Name Confidence Level
AAdministrative Area Confidence Level
PPostal Code Confidence Level


P1POINTA specific point location.
L1ADDRESSA specific street address location.
I1INTERSECTIONAn intersection of two or more streets.
B1STREETThe center of a single street block. House number ranges are returned if available.
B2STREETThe center of a single street block, which is located closest to the geographic center of all matching street blocks. No house number range is returned.
B3STREETThe center of a single street block whose numbered range is nearest to the input number. House number range is returned.
A1COUNTRYAdmin area, largest. For USA, a country.
A3STATEAdmin area. For USA, a state.
A4COUNTYAdmin area. For USA, a county.
A5CITYAdmin area. For USA, a city.
A6NEIGHBORHOODAdmin area. For USA, a neighborhood.
Z1ZIPPostal code, largest. For USA, a ZIP.
Z2ZIP_EXTENDEDPostal code. For USA, a ZIP+2.
Z3ZIP_EXTENDED Postal code.For USA, a ZIP+4.
Z4ZIPPostal code, smallest. Unused in USA.



Match locations that exactly correspond to the input location, as defined by the address elements specified.Exact matches, although the geocoding engine allows standard variations of road types, directionals, numbered roads, and common abbreviations. Examples include Road vs. RD, North vs. N, Second vs. 2nd, and Mount vs. MT.Exact matches, although common abbreviations are acceptable. For instance, "Mount View" is the same as "Mt. View."The postal code matches at the granularity of the input. The matched postal code may be even more precise than the postal code specified in the input.

Matches should be fairly similar, even if not exactly as specified.Good matches, ignoring differences in road type and directionals. EG: Road vs. Street,North vs. South. Includes matches where type & directional are supplied but not found, or found but not supplied.Good matches, even if administrative area names do not exactly match. This includes sound-alike matches, partial, slight misspellings, or other fuzzy matching. Details vary by geocoding data.Postal code does not exactly match at the granularity of the input. However, the postal code likely matches the input address at a lower granularity level than at the requested granularity.

Matches should be somewhat similar to the input location as specified.Sound-alike matches, partial matches, slight misspellings, and fuzzy matching. Details vary by geocoding data.Matched administrative areas do not match the input administrative areas. This may occur when the postal code input determines the match.Postal codes do not match. This may occur when the administrative area input determines the match.
X[Confidence level has no meaning for this granularity level or was not used.]